Florida Just Enacted New Law to Increase the Wages and Standards for Fast -food Employees

Florida is one of the states that has recently passed new laws that affect the restaurant and fast-food industry. These laws aim to improve the working conditions, wages, and rights of fast-food workers, who are often subject to low pay, long hours, and unfair treatment. Here are some of the key features of the new law and how it impacts the fast-food employees and employers in Florida.

Minimum Wage Increase

The new law raises the minimum wage for fast-food workers from $8.65 per hour to $10 per hour, starting from January 1, 2024. The minimum wage will then increase by $1 per hour every year until it reaches $15 per hour in 2026. This is part of a constitutional amendment that was approved by Florida voters in November 2020, which aims to gradually raise the minimum wage for all workers in the state.

The minimum wage increase is expected to benefit more than 2.5 million workers in Florida, many of whom work in the fast-food industry. According to a report by the Florida Policy Institute, the wage hike will boost the incomes of low-wage workers by an average of $3,300 per year, reduce poverty and inequality, and stimulate the local economy.

However, some critics of the minimum wage increase argue that it will hurt the fast-food industry by increasing labor costs, reducing profits, and forcing some businesses to close or cut jobs. They also claim that it will reduce the incentive for workers to seek higher education or skills, and that it will increase the prices of fast-food products for consumers.

Fast-food Workers Council

The new law also establishes a Fast-food Workers Council, which is a body composed of fast-food workers and employers that will oversee the implementation and enforcement of the new law. The council will have the authority to set standards for wages, benefits, working hours, health and safety, training, and dispute resolution for fast-food workers. The council will also have the power to issue fines and penalties for violations of the new law, and to conduct inspections and audits of fast-food establishments.

The Fast-food Workers Council is modeled after a similar initiative in New York City, which was launched in 2020 and is the first of its kind in the nation. The council aims to improve the working conditions and rights of fast-food workers, who often face issues such as wage theft, sexual harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. The council also provides a platform for fast-food workers and employers to collaborate and negotiate on issues affecting the industry.

The Fast-food Workers Council is expected to improve the quality of life and job satisfaction of fast-food workers, who will have more voice and representation in the industry. It will also benefit the fast-food employers, who will have more clarity and consistency in the rules and regulations governing the industry, and who will be able to address the challenges and opportunities facing the fast-food sector in a more collaborative and constructive way.


The new law that Florida just enacted to increase the wages and standards for fast-food employees is a significant and progressive step for the state and the nation. It reflects the growing recognition and appreciation of the essential role that fast-food workers play in the economy and society, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. It also demonstrates the commitment and determination of the fast-food workers and their allies to fight for their rights and dignity, and to demand fair and decent treatment from their employers. The new law is expected to have positive impacts on the fast-food workers, the fast-food industry, and the Florida community as a whole.

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