People Are Fleeing Alaska. Here’s Where They’re Plotting to Move to

Alaska, the largest and most sparsely populated state in the US, is facing a population decline. According to the latest census data, Alaska lost 3.3% of its residents between 2010 and 2020, the largest percentage drop of any state. What are the reasons behind this exodus, and where are the Alaskans moving to?

The Challenges of Living in Alaska

Alaska is known for its stunning natural beauty, rich wildlife, and abundant natural resources. However, living in Alaska also comes with many challenges, such as:

Extreme weather: Alaska has long and harsh winters, with temperatures dropping below -40°F in some areas. The state also experiences frequent earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and avalanches.

High cost of living: Alaska has the highest cost of living index in the US, at 129.9 as of January 2021. This is mainly due to the high costs of housing, transportation, and utilities, which are affected by the state’s remoteness and climate.

Limited opportunities: Alaska has a small and concentrated economy, dominated by the oil and gas industry, which accounts for about 85% of the state’s revenue. However, the industry has been struggling in recent years due to low oil prices, environmental regulations, and competition from other regions. This has led to job losses, budget cuts, and reduced public services.

The Popular Destinations for Alaskans

Many Alaskans are leaving the state in search of better opportunities, lower costs, and warmer climates. According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) data, the top five states that Alaskans moved to between 2018 and 2019 were:

Washington: Washington attracted 3,559 Alaskans, the most of any state. Washington offers a similar natural environment to Alaska, but with a more diverse and dynamic economy, especially in the fields of technology, aerospace, and trade. Washington also has no state income tax, which appeals to many Alaskans.

Texas: Texas was the second most popular destination for Alaskans, with 2,131 movers. Texas is known for its low taxes, business-friendly policies, and booming energy sector. Texas also has a warmer and sunnier climate than Alaska, which may be a factor for some Alaskans.

California: California was the third most preferred state for Alaskans, with 1,888 movers. California is the most populous and diverse state in the US, offering a wide range of cultural, educational, and recreational opportunities. California also has a mild and pleasant climate, and is home to many famous attractions, such as Hollywood, Disneyland, and Yosemite National Park.

Florida: Florida was the fourth most favored state for Alaskans, with 1,670 movers. Florida is the ultimate destination for sun-seekers, with its tropical weather, sandy beaches, and palm trees. Florida also has no state income tax, and is a popular retirement spot for many Americans.

Arizona: Arizona was the fifth most chosen state for Alaskans, with 1,246 movers. Arizona is another state that offers a warm and dry climate, as well as stunning natural scenery, such as the Grand Canyon, Sedona, and Monument Valley. Arizona also has a growing economy, especially in the sectors of tourism, manufacturing, and health care.


Alaska is a unique and beautiful state, but it is not for everyone. Many Alaskans are leaving the state due to the challenges of living there, such as the extreme weather, high cost of living, and limited opportunities. The most popular destinations for Alaskans are states that offer lower costs, better opportunities, and warmer climates, such as Washington, Texas, California, Florida, and Arizona. Whether these states will meet the expectations and needs of the Alaskan migrants remains to be seen.

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